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JMCE key faculty members publish on a wide range of European Union and Europe-related topics. Additionally, JMCE workshops and conferences result in publications from experts across the world. All relevant publications are listed by JMCE events organized by key faculty members. Key faculty publications are also listed on the key faculty page.

  Lecture Series: The European Alternative

Key faculty organizer: Konrad Jarausch

Jarausch, K. H. (2021). Embattled Europe: A Progressive Alternative. Princeton University Press, 2021.

Jarausch, K. H. (2020). Frank Bösch, Zeitenwende 1979. Als die Welt von heute begann. München, Beck 2019. Historische Zeitschrift, 310(1), 265-267.Jarausch, K. H. (2019). Broken Lives: How Ordinary Germans Experienced the 20th Century. Princeton University Press.

Jarausch, K. H. (2019). History of Society and Holocaust Research: Thoughts on a Tenuous Relationship. In Beyond “Ordinary Men” (176-189). Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh.

Jarausch, K. H. (2018). Organic Modernity: National Socialism as Alternative Modernism. A Companion to Nazi Germany, 33.

Jarausch, K. H. (2018). Contemporary history as critical perspective: Transatlantic debates about the Nazi past. In The TransAtlantic reconsidered. Manchester University Press.

Jarausch, K. H. (2018). Central European History at Fifty: Notes from a Longtime Fan. Central European History, 51(1), 12.

Maser, P., Jarausch, K., Reulecke, J., Stambolis, B., & Glaesmer, H. (2018). Wissenschaftler aus der Kriegskindergeneration als Zeitzeugen: Peter Maser, Konrad Jarausch und Jürgen Reulecke im Gespräch mit Barbara Stambolis, kommentiert von Heide Glaesmer. Totalitarismus und Demokratie, 15(2), 233-262.

Westermeyer, W., Jarausch, K., Kemnitz, H., Radtke, F. O., Rolfes, M., & Vorderer, P. (2018). Eckert. Die Schriftenreihe Studien des Georg-Eckert-Instituts zur internationalen Bildungsmedienforschung.

Jarausch, K. H. (2018, February). Rivalen der Moderne. Amerika und Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert. In Feinde, Freunde, Fremde? (19-38). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Graf, R., Jarausch, K. H., & Komorowska, B. (2018). „Kryzys” we współczesnej historii i historiografii. Civitas. Studia z Filozofii Polityki, 22, 17-49.

Key faculty organizer: Rahsaan Maxwell

Maxwell, R. (2020). Geographic divides and cosmopolitanism: Evidence from Switzerland. Comparative Political Studies.Leszczensky, L., Maxwell, R., & Bleich, E. (2020). What factors best explain national identification among Muslim adolescents? Evidence from four European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46(1), 260-276.

Maxwell, R. (2019). Cosmopolitan immigration attitudes in large European cities: Contextual or compositional effects?. American Political Science Review, 113(2), 456-474.

Maxwell, R. (2019). Everyone deserves quiche: French school lunch programmes and national culture in a globalized world. The British journal of sociology, 70(4), 1424-1447.

Key faculty organizers: Cemil Aydin & Susan Pennybacker

Pennybacker, S. (2020). “Fire by Night, Cloud by Day”: Exile and Refuge in Postwar London. Journal of British Studies, 59(1), 1-31.


Key faculty organizers: Liesbet Hooghe & Gary Marks

Hooghe, L., Lenz, T., & Marks, G. (2019). A theory of international organization. Oxford University Press.Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2020). Is liberal intergovernmentalism regressive? A comment on Moravcsik (2018). Journal of European Public Policy, 27(4), 501-508.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2019). Grand theories of European integration in the twenty-first century. Journal of European Public Policy, 26(8), 1113-1133.

Hooghe, L., Lenz, T., & Marks, G. (2019). Contested world order: The delegitimation of international governance. The Review of International Organizations, 14(4), 731-743.

Hooghe, L., & Marks, G. (2018). Cleavage theory meets Europe’s crises: Lipset, Rokkan, and the transnational cleavage. Journal of European Public Policy, 25(1), 109-135.

Key faculty organizer: Milada Vachudova

Vachudova, M. A. (2021, in press). Populism and Party Systems. Annual Review of Political Science.Vachudova, M. A. (2020). Ethnopopulism and democratic backsliding in Central Europe. East European Politics, 1-23.

Vachudova, M. A. (2019). From competition to polarization in central Europe: How populists change party systems and the European Union. Polity, 51(4), 689-706.

Meunier, S., & Vachudova, M. A. (2018). Liberal intergovernmentalism, illiberalism and the potential superpower of the European Union. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(7), 1631-1647.

Hanley, S., & Vachudova, M. A. (2018). Understanding the illiberal turn: democratic backsliding in the Czech Republic. East European Politics, 34(3), 276-296.

Vachudova, M. A. (2019). EU enlargement and state capture in the Western Balkans. In J. Džankić, S. Keil, & M. Kmezić (Eds.), The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: A Failure of EU Conditionality? (pp. 63-85). Palgrave Macmillan.

Key faculty organizer: Banu Gökarıksel

Gökarıksel, B., & Secor, A. J. (2020). Beyond the Symbolism of the Headscarf: The Assemblage of Veiling and the Headscarf as a Thing. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Materiality, 328-340.

Klingorová, K., & Gökarıksel, B. (2019). Auto‐photographic study of everyday emotional geographies. Area, 51(4), 752-762.

Gökarıksel, B., Neubert, C., & Smith, S. (2019). Demographic fever dreams: Fragile masculinity and population politics in the rise of the global right. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 44(3), 561-587.

Gökarıksel, B. (2018). Thinking Women, Feminism, and Muslim Identity through Bodies and Space in Turkey. Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies, 14(1), 116-123.

Klingorová, K., & Gökarıksel, B. (2018). ‘God was with me everywhere’: women’s embodied practices and everyday experiences of sacred space in Czechia. Gender, Place & Culture, 25(1), 37-60.

Gökarıksel, B., & Secor, A. J. (2018). Affective geopolitics: Anxiety, pain, and ethics in the encounter with Syrian refugees in Turkey. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2399654418814257.

Key faculty organizer: Priscilla Layne

Layne, P. (2020). Decolonizing German Studies While Dissecting Race in the American Classroom. In Diversity and Decolonization in German Studies (83-100). Palgrave Macmillan.Kost, K., Nolan, D., Peabody, S., Hock, L., & Layne, P. (2020). GSA 2019 Seminar Report. German Studies Review, 43(2), 377-394.

Etzler, M., & Layne, P. (Eds.). (2020). Rebellion and Revolution: Defiance in German Language, History and Art. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Hock, L., & Layne, P. (2020). German-Speaking Women, Africa, and the African Diaspora: Seminar Report, GSA 2019. German Studies Review, 43(2), 384-391.

Layne, P., & Malakaj, E. (2019). Advocating for Queer of Color Studies in German Graduate Programs. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 52(2), 194-202.

Layne, P. (2019, February). The Darkening of Europe: Afrofuturist Ambitions and Afropessimist Fears in Damir Lukacevic’s Dystopian Film Transfer (2010). In Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies (Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 54-75). University of Toronto Press.

Layne, P. (2019). Wie die Deutschen weiß wurden: Kleine (Heimat) Geschichte des Rassismus by Wulf D. Hund. Monatshefte, 111(2), 295-297.

Layne, P. (2019). On Racism without Race: The Need to Diversify Germanistik and the German Academy. In M. Arghavan, N. Hirschfelder, L. Kopp, & K. Motyl (Ed.s), Who Can Speak and Who Is Heard/Hurt?: Facing Problems of Race, Racism, and Ethnic Diversity in the Humanities in Germany, 217-38.

Layne, P. (2018). White rebels in black: German appropriation of black popular culture. University of Michigan Press.

Layne, P. (2018). Space Is the Place: Afrofuturism in Olivia Wenzel’s Mais in Deutschland und Andered Galaxien (2015). German Life and Letters, 71(4), 511-528.

Layne, P. (2018). Remapping Black Germany: New Perspectives on Afro-German History, Politics, and Culture ed. by Sara Lennox. Feminist German Studies, 34, 167-168.

Layne, P. (2018). All That Glitters Isn’t Gold: Auma Obama’s Nightmare of Postunification Germany. Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 33(3 (99)), 75-101.

Key faculty organizer: Layna Mosley

Mosley, L., Paniagua, V., & Wibbels, E. (2020). Moving markets? Government bond investors and microeconomic policy changes. Economics & Politics, 32(2), 197-249.Ahlquist, J. S., & Mosley, L. (2020). Firm participation in voluntary regulatory initiatives: The Accord, Alliance, and US garment importers from Bangladesh. The Review of International Organizations, 1-27.

Ballard-Rosa, C., Mosley, L., & Wellhausen, R. L. (2019). Contingent Advantage? Sovereign Borrowing, Democratic Institutions and Global Capital Cycles. British Journal of Political Science, 1-21.

Bisbee, J., Mosley, L., Pepinsky, T. B., & Rosendorff, B. P. (2020). Decompensating domestically: the political economy of anti-globalism. Journal of European Public Policy, 27(7), 1090-1102.

Ballard-Rosa, C., Mosley, L., & Wellhausen, R. L. (2019). Contingent Advantage? Sovereign Borrowing, Democratic Institutions and Global Capital Cycles. British Journal of Political Science, 1-21.

Sadeh, T., & Porath, Y. (2019). Autonomous agencies and relational contracts in government bond issues. Regulation & Governance.

Copelovitch, M., Gandrud, C., & Hallerberg, M. (2018). Financial data transparency, international institutions, and sovereign borrowing costs. International Studies Quarterly, 62(1), 23-41.

Bunte, J. B. (2019). Raise the debt: How developing countries choose their creditors. Oxford University Press.

Datz, G. (2020, in press). Financial Globalization and Domestic Policy Making. In Gary Prevost and Harry Vanden (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.

  Beyond Europe 2020: Inequality, Skills, and “Predistribution” Workshop

Key faculty organizers: Evelyne Huber & John Stephens

Huber, H., Petrova, B., & Stephens, J.D. (in press). Financialization, Labor Market Institutions, and Inequality. Review of International Political Economy.Alper, K., Huber, E., & Stephens, J. D. (in press). Poverty and Social Rights Among the Working Age Population in Post-Industrial Democracies. Social Forces.

Huber, E., Gunderson, J., & Stephens, J. D. (2020). Private education and inequality in the knowledge economy. Policy and Society, 39(2), 171-188.

Huber, E., Stephens, J. D., & Alper, K. (2020). The varied sources of increasing wage dispersion. In The European Social Model under Pressure (231-252). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Stephens, J. D. (2020). Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead (ed.) (2018), Reducing Inequalities in Europe: How Industrial Relations and Labour Policies Can Close the Gap, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; Geneva: International Labour Office. Journal of Social Policy, 49(3), 673-675.

Choi, Y. J., Huber, E., Kim, W. S., Kwon, H. Y., & Shi, S. J. (2020). Social investment in the knowledge-based economy: new politics and policies. Policy and Society, 1-24.

Alper, K., Huber, E., & Stephens, J. D. (2019). Work and poverty in post-industrial democracies (No. 763). LIS Working Paper Series.

Huber, E., Huo, J., & Stephens, J. D. (2019). Power, policy, and top income shares. Socio-Economic Review, 17(2), 231-253.

Huber, E., & Niedzwiecki, S. (2018). Changing systems of social protection in the context of the changing political economies since the 1980s. Ciencia & saude coletiva, 23, 2085-2094.

Huber, E., Petrova, B., & Stephens, J. D. (2018). Financialization and inequality in coordinated and liberal market economies (No. 750). LIS Working Paper Series.

Stephens, J. D. (2018). The welfare state and economic development: The United States in comparative perspective. Chinese Social Security Review, (1), 12.