Awards | 2023-2026
To increase teaching and research on the EU at UNC, the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence is awarding faculty and student funding from 2023-2026. The results will increase visibility of the EU, promote EU studies research, and encourage young people to study the EU at the MA, and PhD levels.
Eligibility: Must be an MA or PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill with research related to the European Union (or at least three EU member states). Students across disciplines are encouraged to apply.
About:The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence will offer summer research awards in the amount of $3000 to UNC-Chapel Hill MA or PhD students to research in and on the European Union during the summer.
Requirements:Applications require a brief statement of support from a faculty advisor, resume/CV, and a 5-page double spaced research proposal or conference paper abstract, including an itinerary.
The research content and itinerary must include at least three EU member states. Award recipients must agree to write a 5-page report on their findings; publish a 300-word post about their research and experience on CES’ Medium blog; and submit a photo essay documenting their travel by the start of the fall semester.
In the application, please upload all supplemental documents as PDFs.
This award is made possible by the European Union through our Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.
The deadline for applications for Summer 2024 research is February 15, 2024
2024 Fellows
Annika Hugosson
Sydney Rehder is a student in the TransAtlantic Masters program class of 2024. Her project in Belgium, Sweden, and Finland focused on the inclusion and engagement of Indigenous communities in clean energy projects in the European Arctic. Stay tuned for a Medium post for more on Sydney’s work
Elton Smole
Elton Smole is a student in the TransAtlantic Masters program class of 2025. His project in Croatia, Hungary, and Germany focused on the impact of government policies criminalizing CSOs assisting refugees in the EU. Stay tuned for a Medium post for more on Elton’s work