The #EUUSFUTURE campaign is an initiative of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at the UNC-CH Center for European Studies. Spanning social media, newsletter, and web platforms, the campaign connects with students, faculty, staff and units across UNC’s campus. #EUUSFUTURE promotes deep understanding of EU institutions as well as opportunities for growth and collaboration with EU initiatives including Erasmus+.

Our Medium blog showcases the EU-related engagements of students, faculty, staff, K-14 educators, and community members across NC. Read about EU-related study, work, educator resources, exchange, and research, all in our own #EUatUNC community.

Our biweekly Eurofile newsletter is a key channel for our community to find out about all the latest events, news, and resources! Subscribe to the Eurofile for updates.

The EU-US Future podcast features interviews with experts on the EU and the transatlantic relationship.

Social Media
Use #EUUSFutures to follow our work on social media! In addition to all the resources on this page, we post about the latest EU-related news and resources on our Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. We also post recordings of select JMCE events on our YouTube channel.