EU in NC Study Tours
For information about upcoming tours, please visit our current page.
The “EU in NC” Study Tours are intensive, two-day professional development experiences for educators from across North Carolina. The tours included meetings, discussions, and interactive sessions with faculty experts on European and EU studies as well as with practitioners in the Triangle. Additional sessions are held on integrating content learned into the classroom.
The tours’ briefings follow two themes: “The EU Today: The European Union as a Global and Local Actor” and “The European Citizen: Issues facing the Contemporary European.” This opportunity provides K-12, community college and HBCU/MSI educators with in-depth knowledge of Europe critical for developing lesson plans and finding resources for teaching about contemporary Europe.
Study tour participants receive certification of two continuing education credits and approximately 20 hours of professional development, provided they complete the post-tour lesson plan and module creation.
All meals and hotel accommodations are provided for the nights of the tours. Travel support and funding to cover substitute teacher costs are available to selected applicants.
The Center for European Studies hosted two study tours in 2017, and one in January 2018. We are not currently accepting applications for future study tours, but please contact us with questions about resources for teaching on contemporary Europe.
These study tours are generously funded through a Jean Monnet Project of the European Union.
Resources: Past Programs and Lesson Plans
The May 2017 program and educator lesson plans are publicly available. If you participated in the tour, you may also request access to the session resources.
The August 2017 program and educator lesson plans are publicly available. If you participated in the tour, you may also request access to the session resources.
The January 2018 program and educator lesson plans are publicly available. If you participated in the tour, you may also request access to the session resources.
On the tour as a whole:
“I will recommend this tour to my Colleagues! Biggest take away: I have great ideas to help fully add an EU component to the courses for Global Scholar Program! Great Job!” – 2017 Participant
On the first session, 21st Century Varieties of Capitalism with John D. Stephens:
“This was excellent. I learned far more that I expected in such a short period of time. I’m especially appreciative of having such a knowledgeable presenter who puts things in context and offered exampled to clearly explain the content.” – 2017 Participant

Community college and HBCU/MSI faculty listen to a tour of European art at the Ackland Art Museum on May 19.

Educators outside the Varsity Theater on Franklin Street, before a screening of the documentary Fire at Sea.
John D. Stephens lectures on varieties of capitalism in the 21st century, and what it means for Europe.