The #EUatUNC campaign is an initiative of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence at the UNC-CH Center for European Studies. Spanning social media, newsletter, and web platforms, the campaign connects with students, faculty, staff and units across UNC’s campus. #EUatUNC promotes deep understanding of EU institutions as well as opportunities for growth and collaboration with EU initiatives including Erasmus+.

Our Medium blog showcases the EU-related engagements of students, faculty, staff, K-14 educators, and community members across NC. Read about EU-related study, work, educator resources, exchange, and research, all in our own #EUatUNC community.

Produced by a student intern, our #EUatUNC infographics visualize EU institutions, the connections between them, and their impact on development and cohesion across EU member states.

Our biweekly Eurofile newsletter is a key channel for our community to find out about all the latest events, news, and resources! Subscribe to the Eurofile for updates.

The EU Today podcast features interviews with experts on the EU and the transatlantic relationship.

Social Media
Use #EUatUNC to follow our work on social media! In addition to all the resources on this page, we post about the latest EU-related news and resources on our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. We also post recordings of select JMCE events on our YouTube channel.