Lesson Plans
These lesson plans have been created as part of the EUnited Teacher Fellows Program at the
Center for European Studies, a Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Center for European Studies takes no institutional positions. All
views represented within these plans are the authors’ own.
Elementary School
First Grade
An Introduction to the European Union through Modern Greece
Second Grade
European Traditions, Natural Resources, and Climate
Third Grade
Middle School
Exploring EU Cities through Google Earth
Refugee Crisis and European Union’s Response
Introduction to the European Union
English Language Arts; History; Geography
Union Europea: Getting to know the European Union
Beginning-Intermediate Spanish
EU in the Modern Era: Social Justice in the EU Gallery Walk Lesson Plan
Middle School Social Studies
High School
Immigration and Refugees: Comparing the Contemporary Refugee Crises to Historical Immigration
High School History
Movement around the European Union
Comparing Governmental Structures through the Lens of Citizens
Nation-States, Sovereignty, and the EU
Civics; Economics; History
Comparing the Purpose and Structure of the European Union and the African Union
Advanced History
C’est Quoi L’Union Européenne? The EU 101
Analyzing a Ukrainian Fairy Tale (Comparison with French Example)
Understanding Linear Functions: Using the EU for practical examples